If you are interested in being an Area Coordinator, please reach out to the Alternate Delegate for Ontario South to let us know!
Find out more about the Coordinator roles in Ontario South’s Policy Manual Section 2: Service Positions and Responsibilities.
Contact Ontario South Coordinators
Archives Coordinator
Email: rprice0785@rogers.com
More information about Archives >
Area Alateen Process Person (AAPP)
Email: aapp.ontariosouth@gmail.com
Alateen Coordinator / Ontario South Alateen Advisory Committee (OSAAC)
Email: os.alateen.coordinator@gmail.com
More information about Alateen/OSAAC >
Group Records Coordinator
Email: grprec@hotmail.com
Group Records is a link between groups and WSO. This involves keeping up to date meeting information for groups in Ontario South. It is important for Al-Anon members to be able to find meetings on the Ontario South website.
Groups need to keep the following information current: CMA (Current mailing address) without this information a group becomes inactive, Group Representative, contact person, meeting location, day and time.
Remember to use the Ontario South Group Records Change Form to make changes to your group or to register a new group or an electronic group.
Literature Coordinator
Email: osalitcoord86@gmail.com
The role of Literature Coordinator for Ontario South involves supporting the use of Conference Approved Literature(CAL) in the Area. Included in the role is: housing the Literature Display for the Area and bringing it to AWSC and Assembly; passing on information from the World Service Office about literature related updates and news; serving on the Literature Operating Committee; being familiar with all CAL; and being available to groups and districts to work with them on literature related projects.
Open Lines Coordinator
Email: openlinesosa@gmail.com
Open Lines is published three times per year by Ontario South Assembly. This newsletter presents service-related news and information to Al-Anon Groups in Ontario South to help keep them informed. Personal sharing of recovery should be sent to The Forum. See more about Open Lines here >
Public Outreach Coordinator
Email: ontariosouthpo@gmail.com
Forum Coordinator
Email: os.forum.a86@gmail.com
Website Coordinator
Email: os.website.a86@gmail.com
Technology Coordinator
Email: os.tc.a86@gmail.com