By default all events are open to the public
In general all events are open to the public unless otherwise noted. Exceptions are members-only business meetings such as the Ontario South Assembly and the Area World Service Committee. Public events can have special speaker meetings, be for group anniversaries or are special days dedicated our program (‘Al-Anon’ days, ‘Round-ups’, etc).
The default view for events is a simple list sorted by date. Click the event title for more information and (if available) to see the event flyer. You can switch to a Calendar view as well, if that works better for you. And you can perform a search for a specific date.
Do you want your event listed on the website? Please use the online form!
Please note that all listed events require a specific date, time and location.
Processing events is a manual process that, time permitting, takes about 10 minutes, provided notifications are received via the Event online upload form (see above red button). If the information is sent by email, the description of the event online will simply refer to the flyer.
The upload form ensures we have everything we need, including a PDF of your event-flyer. If you have more than one attachment, combine them in a zip-archive and upload them together. Microsoft Word and Powerpoint are not accepted as format for flyers or other uploads, because they can be carriers of viruses or other malicious software.
District Information on Flyers
It would be greatly appreciated if you would include the name and description of your District region on your flyer, so that others who are interested in attending can easily check where the event is located. To find which District your Group belongs to, consult the District Information page in the ‘About Meetings’ section of this website:
Thank you for your cooperation!
The power of our slogans

Many of our events are centered around Al-Anon Legacies (Steps, Traditions, Concepts) and tools such as our slogans.
“The Al-Anon slogans are simple yet profound tools that help remind us that our circumstances might not be as desperate as they first appear. Even if we are new to Al-Anon or too overwhelmed (…) to recall one of the many Al-Anon principles that may apply, these concise expressions of wisdom offer quick reassurance that we really are able to cope with whatever life brings. Prompting us to constructive action and to treat ourselves and others with compassion and respect. These simple slogans can put the entire situation in perspective.”
—from: “How Al-Anon works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics”.