Who can attend a meeting?
Our regular (‘closed’) meetings are only open to families and friend of alcoholics; this helps create and maintain a safe place for those who have been directly affected by another person’s drinking. If observers are interested in getting to know Al-Anon, they should look for meetings marked as open: friend and families of alcoholics AND observers welcome. Most speaker meeting fall in this category.
Meetings may be dedicated to a special category of members, such as Adult Children of Alcoholics: adult members who have been affected by their parents’ drinking. Alateen groups are intended for young people up to the age of 20.
The general public and other observers are encouraged to attend our speaker / open meetings and special events (usually open), some of which are aimed especially at professionals.
Find a group in your area and once arrived at the location, be on the look out for signage that guides you to door of the meeting room. Most groups also have greeters to welcome you and to ensure you know where the group meets.

Printable meeting information
The Ontario South website offers standard printable versions of the meetings divided per district. Although the information in these printed lists is directly derived from the meeting-details you see on this website, please always double-check the timestamp on your downloaded printed copy and when in doubt, double-check this website to make sure you have the latest information. We try our best to keep all of the 300+ registered Al-Anon meetings in our area up to date, but sometimes there are small discrepancies due to the fact that not all amendments reach us in time and through proper channels to go to print in time.
Click here to go to the overview of printlists or use the sidebar to navigate there.
Online group information not accurate?
Please send us your updates via our new online form by clicking the button below.
This information will be passed on to our area Group Records Coordinator who is responsible for keeping the records up-to-date and communicating the changes to our webmaster and to the World Service Organisation (WSO).
You are welcome to reach out directly to the webcoordinator if you spot a typo or small error on the website or if you are interested in joining our website team.
If you do not know your group ID / WSO ID, navigate to the For Members Home Page of this website to find a list with all Ontario South groups sorted by name and meeting city/town.