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General Books
The Al-Anon Family Groups–Classic Edition
Al-Anon’s first book, in its original text, remains pertinent, connecting us with our pioneer members’ legacy. With an added introduction, footnotes, and appendix. Indexed. 196 pages.

How Al-Anon works for Families & Friends of Alcoholics
Al-Anon’s basic book is ideal for sharing widely with newcomers as a way of ‘paying our gratitude forward.’ Indexed, softcover. 416 pages.

As We Understood
Spirituality, Al-Anon style. Members share their understanding of the spiritual ideas and tools of the Al-Anon program. Indexed. 273 pages.

Discovering Choices–Recovery in Relationships
Members share how they have improved a wide variety of relationships affected by alcoholism by using the program’s tools. Indexed, softcover. 335 pages.

In all our affairs
Facing difficult situations, members reveal how they applied specific Al-Anon principles. Includes overcoming problems with abuse, death, infidelity, and more. Indexed, softcover. Indexed, softcover. 255 pages.

Many Voices, One Journey
Al-Anon’s story of growth and recovery as experienced by individual members and the fellowship as a whole over Al-Anon’s first 60 years. Indexed, softcover. 426 pages.

Lois remembers
Al-Anon’s beginnings, as recalled by our cofounder, Lois W. She also describes the eventful years leading up to the founding of A.A. and Al-Anon. Illustrated, indexed, softcover. 208 pages

Living with Sobriety
Sobriety brings new challenges for the family and friends as well as the alcoholic. In this booklet, members share how they met these challenges. Indexed. 52 pages.

Opening Our Hearts, Transforming Our Losses
Grief and loss affect almost every aspect of living-or having lived-with alcoholism. Members share how they have learned to acknowledge and accept these losses with the help of Al-Anon Family Groups. Indexed, softcover. 201 pages.
Also available as ebook and Audiobook. Click here for more information.

General Pamphlets
Purpose and Suggestions
Al-Anon’s first pamphlet describes our fellowship’s purpose and suggestions for applying it to improve our lives. 6 pages.

Troubled by Someone’s Drinking? (20 Questions)
Twenty questions help individuals identify a need for Al-Anon.

Al-Anon, You, and the Alcoholic
Q & A basics address the most common concerns about Al-Anon and how it helps. 8 pages.

This is Al-Anon
Mini meeting guide includes Al-Anon’s Suggested Welcome; Preamble; Serenity Prayer; Twelve Steps, Traditions, Concepts of Service; the slogans; and the Closing. 12 pages.

A Guide for the Family of the Alcoholic
Clear, realistic look at alcoholism, the problems encountered by those close to the alcoholic, and the choices available to the family. 12 pages.

Why Anonymity in Al-Anon?
Covers the many reasons why anonymity is an important Al-Anon principle. Updated to address concerns of how to apply this principle to everyday situations, including Internet use. 8 pages.

Al-Anon Spoken Here
Keeping it Al-Anon to avoid dilution of our program. Questions and answers help us maintain our focus on Al-Anon, regardless of other interests or affiliations. 8 pages.

Alcoholism, the Family Disease
Longtime favorite includes personal stories, questions and answers, “Do’s and Don’ts,” “Just for Today,” “Maturity Checklist,” and the “Three Obstacles to Success in Al-Anon.” 32 pages.

Understanding Ourselves & Alcoholism
Learn about the disease and how compulsion, addiction, obsession, and denial affect alcoholics and those close to them. 6 pages.

So You Love an Alcoholic
Suggests first steps to take for a changed attitude toward the alcoholic. Unexpected answers to the question, “What shall I do?” 6 pages.

What Do YOU Do about the Alcoholic’s Drinking?
Depicts common misconceptions of family members and friends of alcoholics in trying to cope and how Al-Anon can help. 8 pages.

Leaflet that explains the basics of detachment.

Freedom from Despair
A message of hope for anyone facing alcoholism, a problem we can’t solve alone. 4 pages.

Al-Anon Welcomes All People of Color
Outreach tool for people of color can help them identify a need for the Al-Anon program. 6 pages.

Al-Anon Welcomes Native Americans/Aboriginals
Outreach tool for Native communities describes the benefits of the Al-Anon program. 6 pages.

The Al-Anon Focus
Al-Anon members who are recovering alcoholics describe how focusing on the Al-Anon approach has helped them face the effects of someone else’s drinking. 6 pages.

Three Views of Al-Anon–Alcoholics Speak to the Family
Includes “An Open Letter from an Alcoholic” and other insightful essays from A.A. members on why they recommend Al-Anon to the families and friends of alcoholics. 8 pages.

Alcoholism, a Merry-Go-Round Named Denial
An Al-Anon classic! Dramatic analogy helps family members and friends see roles they play in the live of alcoholics. 24 pages.

Al-Anon’s Cofounders
About Al-Anon’s beginnings, and how Lois W. and Anne B. founded Al-Anon Family Groups. 6 pages.