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Professional Packet – Canada
K-30 C
Helpful leaflets for professionals who help families and friends of alcoholics. Includes P-41, P-48, S-4, S-17, S-20, S-25, S-37 (see elsewhere on the Literature pages) assembled in a sleeve. Canadian version

Fact Sheet for Professionals English/French
Information for professionals, including counselors, doctors, and teachers. Five-panel pamphlet. Bilingual (English/French). Revised 2019.

What Happens After Treatment? English/French
Handouts for professionals and facilities.

Doubting Your Sanity?
Handouts for professionals and facilities

Living in a Shelter? English/French
Handout for professionals and facilities.

Alcoholics, Their Families, and the Judicial System
Helps lawyers, judges, family advocates, and other legal professionals refer families and friends of alcoholics to Al-Anon. 4 pages.

Information for Educators: Alateen Meetings in Schools
Answers the questions educators ask about Alateen. 6 pages.