7th Tradition to Ontario South

7th Tradition to Ontario South Assembly can be made in 2 different ways: If you prefer to use the old PDF version of this form, download the document below:

Alcoholism – a family disease

For family members, alcoholism causes a progressive inability to predict their own behavior because of the growing preoccupation with and reaction to another person’s drinking. Generally speaking, if a person is wondering whether alcoholism is the problem, it probably is. Family members need to hear that the emotions they feel are a normal reaction to alcoholism. Frequently, they… Read More »

Ontario South Delegate

Delegate’s contact:Email Address: [email protected] Ontario South TreasurerP.O. Box 1151Guelph, Ontario N1H 6N3 This information remains consistent for the position, regardless of who is currently holding it. AWSC 2024 Delegate’s Presentations Assembly 2023 Delegate’s presentations Assembly 2022 Delegate’s presentations AWSC 2022 Delegate’s presentations Multi-language Chairman of the Board Letter packages Delegate’s Archives

Requests for service

Please email new requests directly to our web coordinator. Responses will be emailed promptly to the groups in need of help. Thank you for considering doing service! Help us answer the GTA phone lines416-410-3809 “Hello this is Al-Anon.How may I help you?” Volunteers for telephone answer service are always needed. This is a great Al-Anon service opportunity.“Participation is… Read More »

‘Open Lines’ newsletter editions

[email protected] ‘Open Lines’ is a newsletter published by the Ontario South Area three times a year. It is a newsletter that forms the connection between the executives, the coordinators and the groups. It is distributed by email to all Districts. Ontario South Assembly also offers a one (1) year mailed subscription option for ‘Open Lines’ for $15.00.  If… Read More »

Area Assembly and Area World Service Committee (AWSC)

Assembly documentation Delegate presentations The Ontario South Delegate’s slide presentations are available for download in the Delegate’s Corner: http://al-anon.alateen.on.ca/delegates-corner/ Past Documentation 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Archives 2018-2003 Archived downloads of Assembly and AWSC documentation 2018 – 2003

Are you a teenager? Alateen might be for you!

Alateen is a fellowship of young Al-Anon members, usually teenagers, whose life have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Alateen is an integral part of the Al-Anon program. Although the age range is usually 13-18, each group can decide if they will include members younger than 13. As members approach the age of 18 they are encouraged to transition… Read More »

About anonymity

“Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles over personalities” Al-Anon’s Tradition 12 Al-Anon/Alateen is a program based on anonymity: The identity of all Al-Anon and Alateen members, as well as members of Alcoholics Anonymous, is protected. Confidentiality is allowed to develop from a sense of trust and honesty. The focus… Read More »