7th Tradition to Ontario South

By | May 5, 2021

7th Tradition to Ontario South Assembly can be made in 2 different ways:

  1. By Cheque
    Make cheque payable to “Ontario South Assembly”.
    Please use the Online Donation Form to ensure proper accounting of your donation. When you submit the online form, you receive a confirmation email with a PDF attachments of your donation details. Please print this PDF and include the print in the envelope with your cheque.

    Mailing address:
    O.S.A. Treasurer
    P.O. Box 1151
    Ontario, N1H 6N3
  2. E-Transfer
    Send an e-transfer to osatreasurer3@gmail.com.
    In the memo section please record your District number, Group # and Group name for proper accounting of your donation.

    Autodeposit has been set up.
    There is no need for a security question or answer.

If you prefer to use the old PDF version of this form, download the document below: