Category Archives: AboutOurPrograms

Alcoholism – a family disease

For family members, alcoholism causes a progressive inability to predict their own behavior because of the growing preoccupation with and reaction to another person’s drinking. Generally speaking, if a person is wondering whether alcoholism is the problem, it probably is. Family members need to hear that the emotions they feel are a normal reaction to alcoholism. Frequently, they… Read More »

Are you a teenager? Alateen might be for you!

Alateen is a fellowship of young Al-Anon members, usually teenagers, whose life have been affected by someone else’s drinking. Alateen is an integral part of the Al-Anon program. Although the age range is usually 13-18, each group can decide if they will include members younger than 13. As members approach the age of 18 they are encouraged to transition… Read More »

About anonymity

“Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles over personalities” Al-Anon’s Tradition 12 Al-Anon/Alateen is a program based on anonymity: The identity of all Al-Anon and Alateen members, as well as members of Alcoholics Anonymous, is protected. Confidentiality is allowed to develop from a sense of trust and honesty. The focus… Read More »